Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Webisode #4 now available to download
The mass downloading may begin, just go here. Remember to right click and "save target as" to download to your desktop or other folder. Thanks to everyone who made it out to the launch, the episodes went over real well I thought, and for those of you who didn't show up, I hate you.
Writing on the last half of the season is continuing at a feverish pitch, and it looks like production will resume the last weekend of June, where we are going to test a new feature on the site, video journals. Candid behind the scenes footage and interviews of each day that will hopefully be up on the site a day or two after the actual filming day. We're going to try at least.
Thanks again for all your support, hope you enjoy webisode #4.
Writing on the last half of the season is continuing at a feverish pitch, and it looks like production will resume the last weekend of June, where we are going to test a new feature on the site, video journals. Candid behind the scenes footage and interviews of each day that will hopefully be up on the site a day or two after the actual filming day. We're going to try at least.
Thanks again for all your support, hope you enjoy webisode #4.
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