Thursday, June 23, 2005
Here come the feds for the weed
You knew this was next after the Supreme Court ruled two weeks ago that federal law overrules state law when it comes to medical marijuana provisions. Read here. The Bush Justice Department has been fighting for this in the courts since they took office back in 2001. Once again, the White House thinking it knows better than doctors who prescribe marijuana to patients who have chronic pain. I mean there's a whole argument on aren't all drugs addicting, don't we all have vices? Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, viagra, or whatever else over and under the counter drugs the pharmaceutical industry kicks out. Don't we all fall back on some drug to help us relax, take the edge off, whatever the case and aren't they all a little addicting. Granted each has differences in long term side effects, but as we've seen with cigarettes, if the public knows the dangers then it's okay. I say this as the White House decided last week to settle a suit with Phillip Morris for way, way less than originally proposed. So we know it's not the White House looking out for the well being of its citizens. But, as we all know, this has nothing to do with medical treatment. The administration has seen the groups who want the total legalization of the natural herb being spearheaded on the successfully medicinal purpose push across the states, and where in 10 states the measure had passed and become law. So what is the purpose? Is it Corporate America not wanting a lethargic work force, they need the blue collar working class to be fully productive so the white collar class has more money to buy...oh I don't know, weed. I really don't know what the reasoning is, that's just my guess. I mean they don't believe in scientists and doctors so the reasoning can't be based on medical facts. Anyways, for all those patients who use medical marijuana to help with the chronic pains of cancer, hope you enjoy prison. Because the DEA has your files from doctors who prescribed it. Of course in court, it might be tricky convicting people who one day were smoking legally under state law, and the next their in handcuffs because of a change of rules. Might get sticky.