Sunday, July 17, 2005
BEHIND THE SCENES: Saturday, July 16, 2005

For the day's complete photo gallery, click here.
Director's Journal:
Our first call wasn't until 5pm so everyone was able to catch up on sleep after the late night of filming. Our first scene was one half of a phone conversation with Bill Wassem who plays George Vallone. I crammed myself into the passenger seat backwards and Givani sat in the backseat and fed Bill her lines for him to play off of. We drove around town for about 1/2 hour shooting his dialogue before returning to base where I unkinked my body from that awful position. By that time the rest of the crew had arrived for their call time and we saddled up and headed back out to our lake house location on the river. We arrived about 7pm, just in time for the start of magic hour sunlight and squeezed in the other half of the phone conversation with Givani by the river as she talks on a headset. The light was perfect and in her closeup the river and sunset are framed perfectly in her sunglasses. While that was going on, Parks, JB and Tyson were setting up the dolly and lights in the back of the lake house where we were to shoot a good dialogue scene with Vallone and Paul as they smoked cigars. The spot was out of the sunlight so we had to fake the light with our 1ks and I must say we're getting really good at that. It was a scene I was looking forward to and Branden and Bill really nailed it. We ended the night before we lost all available light with another quick phone conversation with Givani. We improvised a water dolly out of a paddle boat as I rode with Tyson out onto the lake to get some cool shots with Givani talking on the dock as we slowly moved in on her. We finished just in time as our light ran out and wrapped rather early and kicked back with some cold ones and watch dailies.
Behind the scenes videos:
(Quicktime is needed to view movies, click here to download free version if you don't have it)
*Getting ready for Bill and Branden's scene.
*JB marking the dock scene.
*The water dolly in action.
*Steady as she goes.